By encouraging your athletes to watch these videos, and implementing the recommendations in the code of ethics, you can:
- Protect your athletes from abuse
- Fundraise for your team, club or organization
- Potentially limit your liability.

Viewing Options
Group Screenings:
Show the videos to your team, club or organization. $200 per screening.
Note: Group screenings can also be used as a fundraiser if you charge a small fee for athletes and community members.
Facilitated Screenings:
Virtual Screenings via Zoom: $500
In-person facilitated screenings: Please contact us.
For every video purchase, we donate a screening to an athlete, club, or organization in an underserved community. If you are providing athletic opportunities to underserved youth, please contact us for a free viewing for your team, club, or organization.
Watching the Videos
To prepare to watch the videos with your athletes, and to enhance your own understanding of abuse in sports, you may want to read my article Ending Cycles of Abuse in Sports and Society.
Pay careful attention to your athletes. Watching these videos is meant to be interactive. If they seem confused, curious, or uncomfortable, please pause the video and check in with them. Follow their lead. Tell them that you welcome their comments and questions, and that you will respect their requests to pause or stop the video.
The more distressed they are, the more likely it is that they have a spider in their life.
Once you’ve watched the video with your athletes, keep following their lead. They may want to talk, or to take time to process on their own. If they want to talk you can either have a free-flowing conversation, or use the discussion questions as a guide.
Let them know that you are always available to listen, and are committed to protecting them from abusive spiders.
At least once a year, administer the Athlete Experience Survey.
Become an advocate
I hope that watching these videos with your athletes inspires you to become an advocate for preventing abuse in sports and society. You can lobby your club director, national governing body, and state, national, and international policy makers to implement comprehensive policies and procedures to ensure athletes’ safety.
Spider-proofing your training environment
Protect your athletes from abuse, and potentially limit your liability.
- Implement preventive hiring practices.
- Require all coaches and staff to sign conduct agreements.
- Train your coaches in holistic, positive, athlete-centered coaching.
- Encourage all of your athletes and their parents to watch these videos once a year.
- Establish a simple clear process for reporting and responding to reports of potential abuse.
- Anonymously survey your athletes at least once a year.
- Publicize and adhere to a code of ethics.
- Advocate for comprehensive preventive and protective local, national, and international policies and procedures.

In combination, these preventive measures will decrease both the likelihood that you will hire a spider and that a spider will be able to weave a web in your training environment.
Who We Serve
Dr. Amy Saltzman
- Empowers children, teens, and young adult athletes to protect themselves and others from grooming and all types of abuse.
- Provides detailed resources and support for parents, coaches, teams and sports organizations committed to creating safe, healthy sports environments.
- Offers compassionate, trauma-sensitive consultations and strategic planning for victims of abuse and their families.
- Drives systemic change and legislation to prevent abuse.
- Raises funds for teams, clubs, and organizations.

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